Friday, May 23, 2014

New Student Butterflies!

I get an email from my website or through one of the various tutoring services I am part of, and after a series of communications, a date and time are set!

Oh, it's the new student butterflies!! Here are some things I always do to prepare for a new student:

1. Check my Availability
Didn't I already check my availability when I booked the student? Well yes, that is exactly what I mean! Availability isn't about having an hour in between each student. Do I have time to take out my dog? Do I have time for traffic? Do I have time for MY OTHER STUDENTS?? 
Too often, the idea of an extra couple bucks can seem so attractive, but it is extremely important that I make sure I have enough time to answer questions my students may have about their homework and that I have enough time to prepare for my next session with them!

2. Study and Review!
Okay, I don't review basic arithmetic for my 3rd graders, but I do review test taking strategies, fun games, and software information! I make a living out of KNOWING things and TEACHING those things to others--it only makes sense for me to review the material or supplies I will be working with if I plan to get paid for my services. And yes, I do have to review for college and high school courses! I don't remember every single reagent used in organic chemistry or every single irregular verb in Spanish, so STUDY STUDY STUDY!

3. Prepare my Bag
If you are teacher, you know the importance of a good school bag! Recommendations would be nice actually! I need a new one! It is the responsibility of my students to have paper, pencils, homework, math books, etc. not mine. But of course I have extras! I make sure I am stocked with those essentials and whatever else I am working with for the entire day! Currently I have pens, alphabet cards, bouncy balls, and plain computer paper in my bag/car. You never know when that perfect activity will come to mind! So be prepared for any and all activities!!

4. Revisit my Website
Okay, this isn't a plug for myself! But I really do review my policy and prices listed on my website. Having booked a new student, we have already discussed pricing, location, etc. but something new might pop up (and it almost always done!). I have to be ready with knowing my up to date policy information as well as the ins and outs of my business. The first meeting is the best time to ask about my tutoring style, personality, and policy. So I have to be ready to answer any question a student or parent may have!

This is not just some selling point! I really have to smile when I meet a new student! I am so blessed by Jesus Christ to have my own business--and booking a new student means I am expanding! I smile not only with my students (who are nervous to be meeting with a tutor), or with parents (who are nervous about a stranger teaching their precious baby), but for myself! Even if I just came from a session where a student did not try or want to learn, a new session is a new chance! What an opportunity to serve the Lord through education with multiple people every single day! If that don't make ya smile, I dunno wut will!

Have fun preparing your students for summer!!! Take the sun as an opportunity for new adventures in the tutoring world!! :)

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